Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A brief introduction to the “printer” world - Printer

After the installation of the computer, the very next step is that its accessories are attached to it. Pinter is one of the essential accessories or one of the essential hardware uses to help the better operation of the computer; also includes the printer. The main function of the printer is that it gives the output of the computer in a hard copy form. This shows that the printer might be, in other words, the device to have an output from the computer system. It has an important place in the computer system. Because when we need the hardcopy of the files and documents in the computer, then as a proof, we print out the required files and store them at a safe place. The other thing might also include that the data stored in the computer does not have any reliability as it can deleted(if not password protected), can get corrupted due to some virus in it. Therefore, the printer is considered to be the authentic one so that it can help us out to have the data in a hardcopy form. The printer is the hardware which is a product of might be the same company or might be the any other company making accessories. There are many types of the printers which include the printers of multi functions. Other than that, the printers like the inkjet printers have the function to print out in black and white or in colorful copy. The compact photo printers are the printers which give out the result in a photo form; means like the snaps shot are transferred to the computer, after this transfer, the photo printer has the function to have the photo out of that snap. The other type of the printer is the laser printer. The laser printers are the printers that types of printers which have their effect on the result of the print out.

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